Kamis, 28 Mei 2015

??? #2

Five thousand years ago, there was a sacred covenant spoken in a soft meadow. A covenant that could not be violated. A covenant which was believed to make a peace, but on the contrary, led to a disaster.  A great disaster.

in the days of yore, there was a prosperous kingdom. The kingdom was filled by educated people, its naval and armies were strong and greatly feared by all enemies. This kingdom used to be the center of all neighboring countries. they won every battle, as if victory was their breath. everything was perfect, beautiful, and would not be forgotten even if the world ends.

people in this kingdom consisted of two kinds of creatures. humans and werewolves. there was no conspicuous difference between them. all could accept the difference and it created an unspeakable peace. led by two kings as representatives of each creature, this kingdom reached its heyday. there was not a single day that passed without happiness. livestocks, agriculture, mountains, rivers, oceans, all endowed with affluent. no drought ever hit the kingdom.

That kingdom was once named "AGRIA"

located in the valley of a mountain called Anesta and fed by a large river in every corner side, Agria was a peaceful kingdom. the sun was never too hot, and rain was never too cold. there was never hunger and tears of grief was very rare. as far as eyes could see, there was only happiness.

until one day, a risky conflict arised.

the conflict was caused by the humans’ greed, greed that appeared by a desire to dominate completely. greed that led to the estrangement which was increasingly loosened so that the peace was finally disintegrated.

This case stemmed from the 100th human King who stated that humans were the ones who should take the complete control of Agria. The statement was greeted poorly by the werewolves who felt their position was threatened.

This greedy king incited all people to suppressed the werewolves. slavery was slowly emerging. the werewolves were enslaved by the humans. The peace gradually began to fade and eventually disappeared. the werewolves who could not bear it finally did a revolt and destroyed the kingdom. internal war ensued. These two opposing camps finally reached the peak of the war with a draw. none of them managed to win. Finally, the sacred covenant pronounced amid a soft meadow. A covenant whereby the two sides formally parted and promised to no longer care about each other, and the worst was, no single member of each camp allowed in touch with members of the other camp. if this promise violated, then the person who triggered it must be sacrificed. no one could escape it for the covenant was made under a deadly powerful magic.

Five thousand years later, the conflict between the two camps had crystallized and ingrained. both sides hated each other but there was never a murder, because if one of them triggered a fight, then a great war would occur. the werewolves dominated the woods and mountains, while the humans dominated plains. That soft meadow was the barrier of both camps’ areas. No one was allowed to pass through it.

Now, each camp was led by their kings. Both kings were young because they had just ascended the thrones. The King of the humans named Oh Sehun, who used to be called King Sehun. on the other hand, the King of the werewolves named Byun Baekhyun, and used to be called King Byun. Both kings had entirely different views. Sehun king was a broad-minded king who loved books rather than war things. he was an ambitious king who thirst for power and knowledge. on the other hand, King Byun is a king who fell in love with nature and adventures. He was always riding horses and being trained to use kinds of swords. he was a wise and clever king who loved peace though he did not talk much yet was always being warm to everyone. He was a brotherly person as well.

A striking similiarity of two kings was seen in their goal. Yes, both had a same goal. They wanted to rebuild the peace that was once divided between the two kingdoms. Actually, both Kings often secretly met each other while they were still princes. Their meetings were very warm since they were younger at that time. The first meeting occurred when they were 10 years old. they sneaked away from their palaces at the middle of a night, intending to satisfy curiosity. King Sehun intended to seek a point of history that could guide him to satisfy his desire for knowledge, while King Byun wanted to see how the humans' life lasted. both spent that night by shared many stories and experiences. They kept seeing each other up to the day they had crowned as kings. They became best friends. They awared that peace was more important than anything else. they linked their little fingers and made a promise that one day, they would actualize the peace. They believed that even the biggest magic hampered, they would still be able to actualize their dreams.

they had almost reached the top of their dreams when they must eventually forced to hate each other because another obstacle impeded. it was even greater than the magic.

a girl.

She came amid the two, making the situation that originally existed perfectly got shuttered so sudden.

Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it. . . . it really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. and the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more. in my case, i have to risk my friendship with Baekhyun."  – King Sehun

“As a matter of fact, a long-life friendship can be broken by the existence of love. in our case, a triangle love.” – King Byun

because of the girl, a dispute between the two appeared, there was a very big mistake that nearly led to a great war. both were confronted by two deadly choices.

“letting her go to happy with one of them”


“letting their people die in war just because their selfishness toward a girl”

Only one decision needed.

"If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one, because if you really loved the first, you would have never fallen for the second"

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